Clinical Trials of the future - Episode 1 Paradigm shift of clinical trials

May 6, 2024 (Initial release: Jun. 28, 2019)

"Sakura, it's time for medicine."

Rock, who was moving around busily at my feet, said this.

"What are you busy doing?"
"I'm dancing Monster gymnastics number two...."

Rock is a robot that was sent to my house six months ago. Although it's called a robot, it's not cat-shaped or dog-shaped, but rather resembles R2-D2. He's pretty talkative for a robot, but he speaks in a more human way than Siri. It is about 30cm long and has caterpillar-like devices on its legs that allow it to move freely forward, backward, left and right. Also, there's a flower mark and the number 6 written in the middle of his stomach, and I don't know why, but this guy's name is Rock, a play on the 6. (The Japanese pronunciation of 6 is roku, similar with Rock).

When it's time to take my medicine, Rock tells me, "It's time to take your medicine", and on days when I have a doctor's appointment, he tells me, "Today, you will take a medical interview." When I take medicine, it seems that Rock checks the medicine I take and reports to the doctor the time I took it and how many tablets I took of each medicine. In other words, if I slack off, I will be found out right away.

Since I eat lunch at school, I can't directly show Rock that I'm taking my medication after lunch, but if I connect to Rock via FaceTime and show him taking my medication to my smartphone's camera, Rock will report it to clinical trial center automatically.

In addition, Rock asks various questions from time to time. "How are you feeling today?", "Are you feeling any pain today?", "Weigh yourself properly". etc.

Six months ago, when I had a video chat with Mai, who lives in Okushiri island, she told me that this clinical trial was posted on the patient association's website. After checking the website and filling out a questionnaire expressing my interest in the clinical trial, I was immediately contacted by a representative. In the past, people like me who lived on remote islands were not able to participate in clinical trials, but thanks to advances in technology, it is now possible to participate from anywhere.

Following the instructions in the video message, I accessed the clinical trial website from my smartphone and answered a simple questionnaire. The next day, I received a request for a video chat. When I started chatting, the nurse who appeared in the video message the other day appeared on the screen and said,

"Is your time okay now?"
"Oh, yes"
"I'll connect you with the doctor now"

An old man in a doctor coat who called himself a doctor from a university hospital in Osaka appeared on the left side of the screen, and after being asked a few questions, a nurse on the right screen confirmed my family hospital and the doctor's name. And then the chat ended.

The next day, I received an email informing me that I would be able to participate in the clinical trial. I connected to the URL written in the email and watched the animation to participate in the clinical trial. The anime explained the meaning of participating in a clinical trial and what to do if side effects occur, and at the end I answered a quiz about the content of the anime. I answered 4 out of 5 questions correctly, and the nurse in the anime told me the correct answer when I answered the remaining one incorrectly twice. Then, after reading a long and difficult passage, I signed my name. After a week of waiting, I received a set of Rock, a smartwatch, and a scale in a large box.

For medicines, I forward the prescription sent via email to a nearby pharmacy, and then go there a little later and get it filled. The guy at the pharmacy always asks me, "How are you doing?", but my health has been much better over the past two months than before. Maybe this is because of the medicine?

Today is the day I have an interview with my doctor starting at 5pm, so when I finished club activities a little earlier than usual and went home, Rock spoke to me.

"The interview will begin in five minutes"
"I know. That's why I came home early"
"Okay, I'll connect you with the doctor"

When Rock started projecting images, a hologram of a doctor from Osaka appeared on the left, and a doctor from the island's family hospital on the right. It seems that my image is also reflected in 3D on the other side. That's amazing, Rock.

"Sakura-san, how are you doing?"
"My body feels much better than before"
"The test results are getting much better"

My family doctor is also in a good mood.

"Okay, let's continue like this for a little while. I will send you the prescription by email."
"Yes, thank you"