About DX initiative

Digital transformation (DX) is all the rage these days. Our company is also eager to apply for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's DX Certification System so as not to miss out on this trend. However, when we looked into what DX is, we found that there are many definitions of the word, such as definitions by certain people or companies, and the scope of definitions ranges from extreme ones that focus only on business-related matters to broad concepts that extend to people's lives and culture. In short, the situation is "incomprehensible and chaotic."

Amidst all this confusing definitions and information, our company has interpreted DX in its own way, leaving some ambiguity, as "the fusion of information technology with social, cultural, or economic activities to create better experiences than before." Our target market is the pharmaceutical industry, and our main business is providing IT consulting and IT solutions to streamline and accelerate drug development. We are fully aware that promoting DX for our customers will directly lead to improved drug development capabilities and productivity. In addition, if promoting DX at our company also creates a synergistic effect in promoting DX for our customers, which ultimately leads to better experiences for patients waiting for new drugs and treatments, such as overcoming illnesses and relief from pain, there is nothing more wonderful than that.

As the first step toward realizing this DX, this page publishes a summary of our company's vision, corporate strategy, promotion system, and checking system based on DX, and uses it as the foundation for our future corporate activities. Since five years from now will be too late, we will work hard every day so that when we reread this page in two years, we can say, "We're keeping our word."

July 10th, 2024
Magoneko Solutions Co., Ltd.
Minoru Takada, Representative Director and President

Magoneco Solutions' Vision and the Promotion of DX

On our company homepage, we have the words "More power for drug development in Japan!". Unfortunately, from my experience, I feel that Japan is currently not very attractive as a pharmaceutical market for pharmaceutical companies, especially overseas pharmaceutical companies. In fact, for quite some time now, there have been problems such as drug lag, where it takes years for groundbreaking new drugs that are already available overseas to be available in Japan, and drug loss, where new drugs that are available overseas do not even have plans for clinical trials in Japan and are not expected to be released. It is clear from figures such as the number of new drugs released that if you live in Japan, you cannot receive the latest medical care. This is a very worrying situation for Japanese people.

When I thought about what we could do as an IT service company in this situation, I thought that by promoting our customers' DX and contributing to the efficiency and speed-up of pharmaceutical development, we could restore the competitiveness of new drug development and the attractiveness of the pharmaceutical market, and contribute to the elimination of drug lags and drug losses.

I want to live in a society where you can receive cutting-edge medical care with peace of mind when you, your children, or your grandchildren get sick. To that end, we will keep an eye on the most advanced technologies around the world and actively introduce and support those that can be introduced to Japan so that we can contribute as much as possible to pharmaceutical development using information technology and AI, thereby supporting our customers' DX.

Of course, to that end, we will also continue to improve and improve our company's internal systems, structures, and employee literacy, and strive to achieve true DX.