Declaration of Information Security

Magoneko Solutions Co., Ltd. protects all information assets from threats such as accidents, disasters, and crimes, strives to ensure. Also, we improve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information, and strives to live up to the trust of society as a whole, including our customers. We declare that we have established a basic information security policy and will implement and promote it.


SECURITY ACTION (Security Measures Self-Declaration) is a self-declaration of small and medium-sized enterprises that was established by the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) in Japan to realize a safe and secure IT society. This is a system for employees to self-declare their commitment to information security measures. Our company declared SECURITY ACTION "One star" on December 8, 2023 and SECURITY ACTION "★★Two stars" on January 15, 2024. We will continue to strive for even greater information security measures.
For more information on SECURITY ACTION, please visit the official explanation website below.

Basic Policy for Information Security

1. Legal compliance
We will comply with laws, regulations, and contractual obligations related to information security.
2. Responsibility of management
We strive to systematically and continuously improve information security under the leadership of our executive management.
3. Employee initiatives
Our employees acquire the knowledge and skills required for information security, and ensure our commitment to information security.
4. Implementation of education and training
The company provides regular and continuous education and training on information security to all our employees and keep records.
5. Information classification and countermeasures
We classify information from a security perspective and take appropriate measures at each stage of the information lifecycle, such as information acquisition, processing, use, storage, transfer, provision, erasure, and disposal.
6. Establishment of organization and system
We will develop the systems necessary to maintain and improve information security.
7. Response to emergencies
We will take appropriate measures in the event of an information security incident such as information leakage, falsification, or damage, or in the event of business interruption due to a disaster, etc.

Date of enactment: December 8, 2023
Magoneko Solutions Co., Ltd.
Minoru Takada, Representative Director and President